As a collaboration between leading CEOs and directors in industry, we are passionate about building bridges between the public and private sectors.
Our vision is to make public sector procurement accessible to all – transparent, straightforward and easy for new players to enter, broadening reach, delivering efficiencies and resilience across the sector, and creating a social impact.
Created by 3D Change CIC, ProcureCo is an interactive online market engagement tool that enables buyers and suppliers to connect, communicate and collaborate at the pre-tender stage providing direct and wider access to social enterprises, microbusinesses and SMEs as well as first tier contractors.
At ProcureCo, our vision is to nurture and increase supply chain diversity, strengthen existing playersand attract new entrants to the marketplace.
ProcureCo is the result of decades of work by a dedicated group of industry professionals who, as the creators of the successful Procurement Opportunities in Social Housing (POSH) programme, have already introduced hundreds of suppliers to the public sector.
The POSH programme ran alongside the equally successful London Jobs Fairs from 2012 until 2020 and this success was the driver behind the creation of ProcureCo to further broaden the programme’s reach and expand business opportunities for both buyers and suppliers.
Central to all that we do is a strong commitment to give back to the community. We believe that a healthy business generates excellent employment and training opportunities for the unemployed as well as encouraging economic growth and better business outcomes.
What makes us different from all the other online platforms?
“What makes us different from every other online platform in the sector? We’re interactive. And that means it’s not just about searches and ticking boxes, it’s about buyers and suppliers connecting and communicating directly with each other, initiating dialogue and creating relationships. We believe that it’s not just about using an online platform, it’s about putting a face to the name and about real live interaction”

Working in Partnership
A pre-market interactive engagement tool created by public sector buyers and their suppliers
Our partnership approach ensures that procurement staff themselves continue to help to build the platformso that it becomes apre-market online engagement space for Procurement by Procurement. We welcome all industry players to participate in the ongoing development of ProcureCo for the benefit of buyers and suppliers alike and if you would like to play a role in this, please get in touch.

“We’re looking for suppliers and procurement teams alike to join Procure Co and looking forward to seeing the interaction on the platform. For suppliers of any size, Procure Co will help to connect you to public sector buying teams and for buyers themselves, Procure Co will help to provide visibility for companies wishing to grow their business and deliver social value improving outcomes for our residents and our local communities.”
John Wallace
ProcureCo Advisory Board Chair and Director of Procurement for Clarion Housing
Our Advisory Board includes public sector procurement professionals from the largest Housing Associations in the UK(G15/G13). As well as, John Wallace, who is also the chair of the G15’s procurement group,board members include both Peabody and Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing which connect us to the G15/12.
“Having been through the mill on both sides with both suppliers and public sector buyers, I have a deep understanding of the challenges they face, and I know where it hurts.
At ProcureCo we understand the need for both the public sector and businesses to forward plan and communicate effectively with useful insigts in order to maximise opportunities. That is why we have worked tirelessly to create a platform for their mutual benefit.”
Founder Director Moira Skinner has more than 30 years’ experience across both the private and public sectors, both as an entrepreneur and as an economic development and regeneration programme director for local authorities.

John Wallace
Director of Procurement
Clarion Housing Group

Cedric Boston
Unity Homes & Enterprise

Jody Adams
Head of Group Procurement

Emma Briggs
Director of Procurement & Sustainability
Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing (MTVH)

Andrew van Doorn (OBE)

Ken Larkins
Managing Director
Property Letting Furniture Solutions (PLFS)

Scott Mills
Ark Pest Control

Ranjit Kaur
Head of Procurement Operations
Clarion Housing Group

Moira Skinner
Founder & Director