Click on a main category to see Public Sector Suppliers on our location map 

Arts, leisure & catering

Event catering | Events & conferences | Organised activities | School meals | Social care meals | Sports & fitness
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Building construction materials

Bathrooms | Doors | Electrical | Fencing | Floor coverings | Heating, air conditioning & insulation | Kitchens | Paint & finishing | Plumbing | Roofing | Signage | Windows
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Cleaning & janitorial

Cleaning materials | Cleaning services | Laundry services & equipment | Maintenance | Washroom sanitisation
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Consultancy & legal

Business efficiency & management | Legal services | Licensing & accreditation | Strategic planning, technical & feasibility
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Domestic goods

Commercial | Industrial | Residential
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Audio-visual, arts, craft & toys | Educational placements | Examination fees | Library books & services | Literature | School services, books & musical instruments | Statutory, adult & further education services | Supplies
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Bird control | Graffiti removal | Pest control | Street cleaning & lighting | Waste management, collection & disposal | Water assessment & treatment
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Facilities & management

Advertising, public relations & image | Design & photography | Document archiving & storage | Lift installation, repair & maintenance | Property management | Security personnel | Security, access control, CCTV & security equipment | Street wardens
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Accountancy & audit | Banking, credit & insurance services | Business rates, grants & subscriptions | Cash collection, rent collection, debt collection & recovery | Investments & pension funds
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Furniture & soft furnishings

Commercial furniture | Domestic furniture | Educational furniture | Office furniture | Soft furnishings
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Health & safety

Fire doors | Fire extinguishers | Fire safety materials | Maintenance services | Smoke alarms | Supply & fit
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Agency | Consumables | Counselling | Equipment | Fees | Occupational therapy services | Operations | Pharmacy services & medications | Public health | Services | Social policy
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Highways, streets & traffic

Aggregates, materials & concrete | CCTV & signage | Fines collection | Parking | car park management & equipment | Street furniture, ironworks & street lighting | Wardens
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Chemicals | Seeds & plants | Soils & dressing | Tools & equipment purchase & hire | Trees, shrubs & trimming | Verges | Weed control
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Housing management

Housing association services | Lettings & estate agents | Management organisations | Stock management | Tenants' associations
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Human resources

Interpretation & translation | Professional & advisory services | Recruitment & assessment | Salaries | Social & community care | Supply teachers | Temporary staff | Training & conferences | Travel & subsistence
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Information communication technology (ICT)

Consultancy & web development | IT support | Maintenance, support & disaster recovery | Office & reprographics equipment | Service providers, applications, internet, cloud & hardware | Telecommunications, call systems & mobile apps
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Office supplies & stationery

Desktop equipment | Filing & storage | Paper products | Personal protective equipment (PPE) | Sundries, including writing & drawing equipment
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Social & community care (adult)

Advice, advocacy & counselling services | Asylum seekers' services | Black & minority ethnic (BAME) services | Carer sitting services & carers' breaks | Day care & domiciliary care | Direct payment | Homeless & independent living support & more
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Social & community care (children's)

Adolescent mental health | Adoption services & fostering | Alternate education | Babysitting & childcare services | Black & minority ethnic (BAME) services | Carer assessments, social work practice & training & more
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Social & community care (youth)

Youth offending services | Youth services careers advice | Youth services transition between children's & adult
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Sports & playgrounds

Playground equipment & maintenance | Sports equipment & maintenance | Sports, playground & pool maintenance
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Electricity | Gas | Heating oil | Sewerage | Solid fuels | Water
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Vehicle management

Commercial & industrial | Cycling purchasing equipment & other | Heavy construction provision & hire | Leasing | Maintenance & vehicle recovery | Parts | Signage & livery | Tools & equipment
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Works construction, repair & maintenance

Architecture, buildings, surveys, consultancy & engineering | Building demolitions & asbestos removal | Building repair & maintenance | Buildings & construction | Energy efficiency & more
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Arts & Leisure and Catering

Sports and Fitness, Events and Conferences, Catering (meals - Events, School & Social Care) + More
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Building construction material, inc. construction, building and Repair

Bathrooms, Kitchens, Electrical, Interior and exterior fittings (e.g. floors, doors) and Exterior (e.g. fencing, roofing) + More
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Cleaning and Janitorial

Cleaning Materials, Services Internal and Externals, Specialist, Laundry and Equipment + More
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Consultancy and Legal

Business, Management, Strategic Planning, Technical Feasibility, Legal Advocacy + More
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Domestic goods

Commercial, Industrial, Residential and Other
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Adult and Further Education, Library and Equipment, Statutory Education Services + More
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Environmental Services

Street Cleaning and lighting, Waste collection and disposal, Water Assessment and Treatment + More
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Facilities & Management Services

Advertising, Design, Energy Efficiencies, Lifts Provision, Installation, Maintenance + More
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Financial Services

Accountancy, Audit, Banking, Business Rates and / or Rent Collection + More
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Furniture and Soft Furnishings

Commercial, Domestic, Educational and Office Furniture, Soft Furnishings + Other
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Health and Safety

Maintenance Services, Fire Equipment and Materials, PPE, Supply and Fit + More
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Consumables inc. drugs and Equipment, Services inc. Occupational Therapy, Public Health + More
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Highway, Street & Traffic Mgnt and Equipment Materials

Aggregates, material, concrete, Car Parks e.g. Management of, Equipment + More
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Provision of Horticultural equipment itinery, services inc. gardening + More
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Housing Management

Management Organisations, Housing Association Services, Lettings and Estate Agents + More
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Human Resources

Professional & Advisory Services, Recruitment and Assessment, Training and Conferences + More
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Information Communication Technology

Application Service Provision, IT Consultancy, Internet services, Telecommunications + More
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Social Care Supplies & Services - Adults

All advice Advocacy and Counselling Services, Care, Domiciliary and Day, Carers + More
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Social Community Care Supplies & Services - Children

Children's Care Services and Centres, Voluntary Sector Support and Services + More
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Social Community Care Supplies & Services - Youths

Youth Services Careers Advice, Transition between children and Adults + More
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Sport and Playground Equipment and Maintenance

Playground and Sports Equipment and Maintenance + More
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Stationey and Office Supplies

Office Supplies, Sundries including writing, drawing equipment + More
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Electricity, Gas, Heating Oil, Sewerage, Solid Fuels, Water + Other
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Vehicle Management

Commercial Vehicles, Cycle provision and Service, Vehicle Recovery + Other
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Works - Construction Repair & Maintenance

Buildings design to construction, Roads, Design, Construction and Maintenance + More
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