Organisations that commit to providing social value change communities for the better
Delivering social value has been an essential element of the procurement process since the Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 which required all public sector commissioning bodies to “consider” the “economic, environmental and social wellbeing of their population through their procurement activities”.
Under this Act, when scoring bids, the public sector awards up to 10% of marks for social value – a margin that can make the difference between success and failure – butmeeting this requirementin tender responses can be challenging for suppliers.

Our support for suppliers
We can advise suppliers on the type of social value contributions likely to be appreciated by the myriad of Housing Associations and Public Sector organisations. One of the ways we achieve this is to arrange various engagements with the bidding authorities prior to tenders being released.
Of even greater benefit, we provide tailored guidance on how best to develop and deliver your business’s social value contributions by, for instance, setting up bespoke vehicles for delivery with those organisations you will seek to win business from.
Delivering social benefit
By signing up to ProcureCo, both suppliers and buyers will directly impact social value by engaging a more diverse supply chain and encouraging new players to enter the market.
The social benefits generated by providing safe, affordable housing for those in need have always been a priority and ProcureCopartners are committed to ensuring the platform makes a genuine social value impact, reinvesting and creating opportunities for the people and businesses in the local communities they serve.

“We are looking for suppliers and procurement teams alike to join Procure Co. For suppliers of any size, Procure Co will help connect you to public sector buying teams and for buyers themselves Procure Co will help provide visibility of companies wishing to grow their business and deliver social value improving outcomes for our residents and our local communities.”
John Wallace, ProcureCo Advisory Board Chair and Director of Procurement for Clarion Housing