Contract category: Works construction, repair & maintenance – Buildings & construction
Contracting organisation: Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing (MTVH)
Contract start date: 15/11/2024
Contract expiry date:
Retender date:
Other information: MTVH has a pipeline of approximately 150 fire safety remediation projects over the coming 5-7 years. Planning is underway for a Framework contract that will allow for Early Supplier Involvement, continuity across projects and building lasting relationships. The remediation projects are mainly in London and the South East, with others located in Nottinghamshire and the East Midlands (there may be an option for regional Lots) Contractors are expected to have an understanding and experience of working practices under the Building Safety Act / Building Regulations. A Lot structure based on value-bands is proposed, intended to make this opportunity suitable for SMEs: 1: £100k - £800k 2: £500k - £2m 3: £2m and above Request to join the preliminary market engagement for this future contract at